Minggu, 06 Juli 2008

Happy Anniversary for Us....

Today is my 6th Anniversary with of course Mr. EVD (Edwin Vega Darma).... Cieeeee....
Thanks God... We pass through this 6 years with Happiness even sometimes we had to cry together also but we always believe that God have wonderfull plans for us...

At 12am I made a little surprise. I brought him a mug filled with sweet cookies from Paris printed 67 means we passed this 6 years married and go to 7 and the other meaning is we married at 6 July six years ago....

After that we slept together in love...

In the morning, Vega gave me a little surprise also with baloon printed Happy Anniversary and love cake... so sweet...

3 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

happy anniversary ya, mommy n daddy


Unknown mengatakan...

Happy belated anniversary ya Len and Ve...
Gw inget sih pas tanggal 6 kemarin. Cuma gw dan riko lagi ada di pedalaman kampung yang ngga ada sinyal.Jadi kita mau sms ngga sempet.
Baru pulang semalam.
Anyway... may your all wishes come true.. especially yang ud di doain selama ini.

Our love and pray,
riko and lia ariefano

Violen Lesmana mengatakan...

Thax ya guys....